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With VisualSP Premium You can Transform Your Announcements into Banners on Pages in Your Web Platform

By Michael Blonder
Updated July 24, 2024

Why buy VisualSP Premium?

VisualSP has free offers: VisualSP for Microsoft Learning PathwaysVisualSP App for Microsoft Teams, and, for a limited time, VisualSP for Remote Workers 

If you like using VisualSP & want the rest of your company or organization to be able to use it, VisualSP Premium should be your choice: 

With VisualSP Premium, businesses and/or organizations with more than 50 people can deploy our in-context help system rapidlyOur VisualSP Premium solution, can be deployed with a group policy object (GPO). It can also be deployed as a custom action to your Microsoft 365 SharePoint Online tenant. 

VisualSP Premium provides you with historical data on personnel engaging with the system (our “Analytics” feature). You can see who is clicking on help items, when they are doing the clicking and, of most value, on what topics. Armed with this information you can target support efforts & spend less time on topics of lower interest. You can even increase user enthusiasm for platform computing by minimizing their frustration & giving them more support on topics they find challenging.  

With VisualSP Premium you can include custom help content in the set you make available to personnel in-context: 

VisualSP Premium also includes our VisualSP editor. Use our editor to add your own content to the VisualSP solution. You can also use our editor to create communications and transform them, as we demonstrate in the video embedded below, into banners on web pages of your web platform no one will miss. How much time will you save using these features? What is the value to your business or organization of reducing the time required to introduce personnel to new features of your web platform by 50%? For many organizations with thousands of personnel these savings more than pay for the expense of upgrading to VisualSP Premium. 

{% video_player "embed_player" overrideable=False, type='scriptV4', hide_playlist=True, viral_sharing=False, embed_button=False, autoplay=False, hidden_controls=False, loop=False, muted=False, width='854', height='480', player_id='29170994576', style='' %}

Learning best practices call for providing people with  tech help content built with the familiar branding they have come to expect to see. The VisualSP editor is your pathway for adding this high value content. 

With VisualSP Premium you can create on-screen user guides (we call them ‘walkthroughs’) 

You can use these guides to educate personnel about workflows built in Microsoft 365, targeted features of your intranet & more. Walkthroughs simulate the “1to1” experience people need to learn new procedures. Personnel can repeat this introductory experience as they require by clicking on a link to the on-screen user guide from our VisualSP tab. 

To put it simply: our free products are wonderful additions for individuals. VisualSP Premium is a wonderful solution for your entire team. Please check it out.



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