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Business Use Case: VisualSP for Microsoft Teams

By Asif Rehmani
Updated July 31, 2024

You can use VisualSP’s App for Microsoft Teams to expose your organization’s entire library of training and help items directly to your employees. In the video embedded in this post you will see how the VisualSP App for Microsoft Teams exposes a set of 1440 help items as a tab.

With an annual subscription to VisualSP Premium the tab can be renamed to whatever name is convenient, for example your organization’s name. It helps to pick a familiar name so your users will remember where to go to get help. You can also add your own training content with VisualSP Premium. When personnel click on any of the items in the list, they will get a video, or whatever other content is available via the link right there, meaning directly in Microsoft Teams. Both our premium and our free products include a lot of the content from the free Microsoft Learning Pathways content set.

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With your library of help items you can configure the user experience as you want. You can use the “Application” drop down menu to select from a complete list of Microsoft 365 applications, change the order of columns & more. Once you have set the view the way you want it you can click on the link icon next to the “Application” drop down menu, make a new tab, to show only the content you want to see for a specific Microsoft 365 application.

People can click on the links and benefit from the content directly at “the moment of need”, meaning directly within Teams. You can also use the VisualSP App for Microsoft Teams to organize sets of help items for specific business functions like HR, or Marketing, or whatever else you want to serve content for. In the Post area of Teams, or the Chat, people can click on the VisualSP icon to do a search for help content they need. Once they locate the help content they need, they can view it. They can also use the link icon to send this help content to a colleague. Simply click on the link. You will find the link (including the title) appears in your message box, making sending it an easy process.

Using VisualSP’s App for Microsoft Teams will expose the entire library of help items you have to your personnel working in Teams, starting from the free content from Microsoft and building from there. Why not install our free App to get started?

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