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Use VisualSP Premium to make sure your employees understand how to use Microsoft Retention Labels

By Michael Blonder
Updated August 1, 2024

Does your organization have an extensive set of SharePoint Online sites? Is your organization operating in a heavily regulated industry? If your answer is “yes” to these two questions, you should make sure personnel are aware of Microsoft Retention Labels and what they can do. If properly used, Microsoft Retention Labels can be deployed to exercise Data Loss Prevention (DLP) controls. These controls can be a powerful defense you can use to protect information not meant for public distribution.

Even if your organization isn’t heavily regulated, if you are using Microsoft 365 to store tax documents you can use Microsoft Retention Labels to tag each and every document backing up your tax return (as well as the tax return itself) to make sure it isn’t deleted for at least 7 years.

Sounds great, but how do you train personnel to use these labels. Learning how to use Microsoft Retention Labels isn’t as easy as you may think. Clicking on the “?” icon on the top right of the Microsoft 365 screen, as we have captured in the video you will find below, neither helps much, nor represents a good use of someone’s time.

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In contrast, and as we demonstrate in the video, above, you can build a rich HTML help item with VisualSP Premium to keep personnel on track while, at the same time, pointing out for them where they need to go to get the information they will need for each of the steps they will take to create the retention labels you need; create a policy for them; and then select the documents requiring retention labels.

As we will show in a follow up blog post and video, once they have collected the information needed to start your organization successfully creating and using Microsoft Retention Labels, they will be able to build a walkthrough (on-screen user guide) departmental site owners will be able to use to create their own retention labels.

With the walkthrough development process mastered, your teams will get a lot more value from the Microsoft Compliance Center.

We hope from this short blog post and our video you can see how an annual subscription to VisualSP Premium can deliver tangible benefits in terms of reducing your operating drain on resources (time, potential loss of data, and hastening a pivot to digital business).

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