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Most of our employees really like Microsoft Teams. How can we capitalize on this with VisualSP Premium?

By Michael Blonder
Updated July 31, 2024

You can create sets of role-specific help content with VisualSP Premium. For example: you can curate help content from VisualSP Premium into a “Human Resources must learn” set. Once you have created this set of your own content it will be available to people working in the Human Resources Department when they use Microsoft Teams.

Ask your IT Team to add the VisualSP App for Microsoft Teams for your whole organization. There is no additional charge for this. The VisualSP App includes the complete Microsoft Learning Pathways content set. You should also ask the IT Team to add the VisualSP App to Teams for your whole organization. For best results they should add this app to the channels set up in Microsoft Teams for each of your targeted departments (functions). Once our App has been added the sets of specific help content for departments like Human Resources, as mentioned above, can be added to the appropriate channels in Microsoft Teams.

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When employees from HR (just one department likely selected as a target for your organization) click on the Human Resources channel in Teams they will see the VisualSP tab. With merely one click they will expose the content set and will be able to go through each of the items you have collected for them to review.

We recommend you include in the set only bite sized content – short videos, Rich HTML Cards, reference cards, etc. Bite sized content is optimum since it is easy for people to repeat the learning experience. Keep in mind “the forgetting curve”: people forget 70% or more of what they learn within days of the learning experience. Keep the learning steps simple and repeatable if you are after the best results.

With the chat feature of Microsoft Teams the VisualSP App will also show up in the bar below the text box used to type messages. A click on our App will bring up a search feature your staff can use to find specific information from the complete list of what is available in VisualSP Premium for your organization. They can then select items and attach them to messages as they require.

Think of how much support this combination of VisualSP Premium and our VisualSP App for Microsoft Team will lend to your corporate training program. We are sure you will be pleased with the results.

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