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How VisualSP Premium can be used to implement portions of the US FDIC Compliance Management System of 2006

By Michael Blonder
Updated August 1, 2024

In 2006 the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of the United States issued a document titled “Compliance Management System”. This document includes a definition of the system along with details and examples of how the system should operate. The expectation is for all levels of activities within a financial services organization (banks, investment banks, insurance businesses and more) to be re-designed to include a method of making personnel aware of regulatory requirements from the board of directors down to people responsible for day-to-day business procedures.

VisualSP Premium is an example of a system organizations subject to US FDIC regulations can use to demonstrate behavior in conformance with the US FDIC’s 2006 Compliance Management System document of 2006.

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Because VisualSP is capable of publishing information directly within the computing experience associated with any web software platform, it can be successfully used to inform, alert and empower personnel working with, for example, document libraries in SharePoint Online with the “do’s and don’ts” they must understand if they are to store and/or share information correctly according to the US FDIC’s Compliance Management System.

Rich HTML cards including embedded videos can be made available the first time an employee lands on a SharePoint Online Document library. The purpose of one of these cards is to provide an overview of how data proprietary to the business and its customers is to be handled.

Alerts in the form of warnings, published as so-called “splash screens” (a splash screen is positioned in the middle of a user’s computing window. The foreground is clear, but the background is dulled to capture the undivided attention of the user) can explicit set boundaries for users, to make a best effort to defend the business from the specific mistakes leading up to regulatory penalties.

Empowered with an overview of how to correctly use SharePoint Online document libraries personnel will be more successful (and therefore hopefully more enthusiastic), and the business will have a better chance of passing FDIC compliance audits.

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